BollyX on Zoom

FRIDAYS, London,


Cordula Neckermann



Oct. 9, 2020

6:00 PM to 7:00 PM


Important pre-class notes:

                • You don't have to share your own screen. You can change the setting of your video at the right top corner of the thumbnail of yourself.
                • While we dance I will mute you all, so there is no interference with the music. Double-check for me that you are muted before starting to dance. I will unmute you all at the very end of the workout so we can all have a little cheer together.
                • If you have any comments during class you can use the chatbox.
                • There still might be some lag occurring in the sessions. Just keep moving and stay with the rhythm of the music rather than following my movements. These sessions are all about having fun and lifting our spirit. We are NOT training for an audition to be in a Bollywood movie ;-)
                • If we experience interference by a Troll, Zoombomber or another inappropriate individual I will immediately end the meeting and send you new details via email, so we can continue safely and undisturbed.
Pre-class checklist:
                • Have your water bottle Handy
                • Make sure you have some space to move
                • Modify any moves that don't feel comfortable
                • Keep moving throughout the 50 minutes
Looking forward to dancing with you! Cordi



BollyX is a Bollywood-inspired dance-fitness program that combines dynamic choreography with the hottest music from around the world. Its 50-minute cardio workout cycles between higher and lower-intensity dance sequences to get you moving, sweating, and motivated.