ZOOM Live-Stream California

1506 Little Town, Sacramento,


Maribel Reyes



Dec. 14, 2021

10:00 AM to 11:00 AM


Hola!   I am happy that you are joining me in my livestream workouts. Please make sure that you are performing these exercises in a safe, conducive environment. The instructor is not responsible for any unfortunate accidental injury caused during the exercise. Joining the exercise is solely the participants decision, so please be cautious of your surroundings and movements. Thank you for your support and understanding. You are not allowed to record these sessions nor distribute them under any circumstances. They are for live participation ONLY. Exercise precautions and safety when at home.  * Clear out the space where you are intending to workout * Make sure you have enough space to move within that space * Be aware of the floor (carpeted floors are trickier to rotate on / wooden floors are best / tiles might be slippery etc.) * We recommend wearing fitness sneakers, however, if not wearing shoes be more cautious in socks (slippery) or barefoot (lack of joint support for higher impact dance moves)  * Be mindful of the room temperature * MODIFY MODIFY MODIFY when needed. * Maintain hydration -> drink water whenever you need throughout the class * SMILE BIG & HAVE FUN! Class happens weekly on Wednesday's on PST. For the most up to date information on my livestream workouts, please make sure you follow me on Instagram @TheMaribelReyes Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85485967518?pwd=MkRYdjVwVVZjMk85NFJuN3ZBZ3RNQT09 Meeting ID: 854 8596 7518 Passcode: GetLIT Thank you once again for joining me and now, let's get ready to rock! Marvel  



The BollyX LIT (Low Impact Training) program has all the same energy and swag as the original BollyX format but without high impact dance movements. This format was designed for individuals who love to dance and prefer or need low impact choreography.